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Established Since 2007
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Remanufactured Ink Cartridge - 2 cartridge machines
Thursday, June 20, 2024

This post is about printers that take 2 ink cartridges.  One for the black and another for the colour.  It is based on our own experience.

Firstly, it should be made clear what a remanufactured ink actually is.  They are an original cartridge that has simply been refilled with a lot more ink.  This is where the value is for printers that have this set up.  We can' .....

Trustpilot Reviews
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thoughts for today are about our reviews on Trustpilot.  These are very important for our business reputation and we are so grateful to have had such an amazing response from our customers.  We are very grateful to you all!

Although in business for many years we have only recently joined.  The response r .....

17 April 2024 If in doubt, print it out.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

It never ceases to amaze me how many people have blind faith in their mobile phones.  Particularly the kids!  Everything stored on them.  Their entire lives. 

We probably all do this to a certain extent but how many times do I worry that the battery will go?  I will lose it?  Even break it?

Does a train ticket matter if it's on my phone and I can't get .....

12 April 2024 Royal Mail Confusion.
Friday, April 12, 2024

There seems to be a strange issue with Royal Mail.  I am pleased to say that it is only two customers so far but it is quite frustrating.  These 2 customers have been asked for a £5 penalty for underpayment of post.  They have had to pay this in order to receive what they thought was our item.

To clarify, we have an account with Roya .....

Wednesday 10 April 2024 New Printer Hints
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

As I am in charge of our blog and I have been pondering subjects to write about.  Coincidentally today it was drawn to my attention by a customer that buying new printers can be fraught.  

After receiving a telephone call today asking for advice I thought a little info maybe a helpful thing…

…This customer had found a printer that took remanufactured inks.  That is if .....

First Call Inks New Blog
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hello and Welcome to our new First Call Inks blog.   We will be trying to provide information on our company, our product and helpful tips for issues we may receive emails about.  If anyone has anything at all that they think we should be or would like us to delve into then please feel free to let us know.  We are very interested to .....